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We are pleased to announce that, on March 16-19, Pivotal Research will travel to Ottawa to contribute our expertise and passion as panelists during several workshop sessions at the 25th Metropolis Canada Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is Conversations on Migration: Our Legacy, Our Future. Delegates ranging from public decision makers to researchers across Canada will gather to share evidence-based experience, exchange innovative ideas, and discuss comprehensive strategies related to immigration, integration, and settlement.

On March 16, Pivotal Research will participate alongside its partner Bluejarvis Technologies and client the Alberta International Medical Graduate Association in moderated discussions on digital transformation in the settlement sector, including best practices in evaluating effectiveness and impact of digital transformation initiatives. More prominently our partner will be showcasing a new digital decision-making tool—called “Ally”—which assists international medical graduates with re-establishing their careers and professional identities in Canada by allowing them to explore over 100 alternative career pathways, including accessing information on salary, demand, training, and other details to help them make informed career choices.

On March 17, Pivotal Research will lead a dynamic discussion on research outcomes culminating from the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Recruitment Process in the Prairie Region report prepared on behalf of the Calgary Catholic Immigration Society. The research produces one of the first reports that engages immigration consultants and employers in the Prairie Provinces, with a particular focus on how Temporary Foreign Worker Program services can be improved to better connect businesses and potential newcomers and advance economic integration. Our remarks will be informed by our mixed-methods research which we began collecting in 2021 and published in early 2023.

Newcomers play a vital role in growing Canada’s economy and we recognize and welcome the shared responsibility of helping them settle and thrive in their new home. We are pleased to have the opportunity to be a part of this conference and we look forward to engaging in active, rewarding, and thought-provoking conversations that positively shape the immigrant integration policy discourse.

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