Missing Bullet Holes (and the Vision to See What Isn’t)

Pivotal Research recently partnered with the City of St. Albert in order to conduct the 2021 St. Albert Community Satisfaction Survey and we were very pleased to deliver the final results of the Survey to St. Albert City Council and Administration earlier this month. We were especially excited to present our research to a meeting of the Community Living Standing Committee.

The findings of our final report were recently featured in the St. Albert Gazette.

The survey collected input from 1,129 St. Albert residents between November 4th and December 12th, 2021. Respondents were invited to share their views on quality of life, safety, value for tax dollars, and more.

The full report is available here.

Read the coverage in the St. Albert Gazette here.

Watch our presentation to the Community Living Standing Committee here.

If you are interested in member engagement opportunities with Pivotal Research, please contact dmelhem@pivotalresearch.ca